Roses and Covid

Yellow Rose Centerpiece

We are little late to the game in discussing Covid because we had not gotten it yet (WE ALMOST MADE IT 3 YEARS!!!). That said I want to express what a benefit it can be to be affiliated with your local Rose Society. The day was December 20th, 2022, and we had been scheduled to attend a flower arrangement workshop. My wife and I had been trying to isolate ourselves from large gatherings in general because we recently had a baby and did not want to get him sick. Well, it caught up to us. That fateful day I was feeling crummy and as a joke I decided to take a Covid test. I did not think I would test positive, but I did. I thought it was a fluke so I tested again and received another positive result. We knew we would not be able to spend time with our families because we did not want to get them sick. We were expecting it to be the worst Christmas and New Year’s that we had ever had. Oh, and it was. That said, there was one bundle of joy that we received on December 21st. On an icy morning, a member of our local rose society drove supplies to us so that we could also make a centerpiece arrangement. We received roses, candles, wet-foam, holly, and noble fir cuttings. This centerpiece brought us a week of joy when we were feeling absolutely awful and it was all thanks to the good heart of a member of our local rose society. Thank you, Kathy.