Spring has come faster than we thought and we are racing to get our tasks done as quickly as possible. We have kept up on keeping our greenhouse air moving and warm on the long cold nights! We are finally being rewarded for all our hard work as our sprouts are finally starting to come up! We now have thirteen sprouts and we are beginning to see our first set of true leaves come through!

We also took some time over the weekend to redo our yard. WHAT A MESS WE MADE! That said, with some time, it will come around to looking as good as ever. This is probably our sixth iteration of trying to make the yard look pretty and each time has been better than the last. This year we are shuffling some roses around to accommodate the ones we purchased at the Fort Vancouver Rose Society Annual Auction. Our older roses will be placed in the compost layer (darker area) seen in the image below.

We also bought a 1/4 lb. bag of Royal Carpet Alyssum to seed with our new roses and to add to our container roses. It grows to about 4 inches in height and invites beneficial insects/ predators to the area.

We are hoping it will be a good complement to our established roses and make our mini-nursery all the more inviting. We will update as more progress is made.