We have started this year with a bang. We have surpassed our seed planting goals and have now acquired some new roses to take the place of those that have fallen. Yes, sadly, roses do die from time to time when you are working to transplant them. Last year we acquired a number from a man named Ron from Vancouver, WA, and all but one of the roses survived. Some are still struggling to acclimate to our heavy clay soil, but we have been amending it with compost to assist in their survival. I suspect the Ebb Tide will take the place of that rose. We will be planting several of our seedlings to trial them in soil conditions. We suspect that those that survived the winter in the one gallon pots will do well in our climate. To make room for these, we will be eliminating some of our unidentified roses. Sadly, they will have to move on to greener pastures. We suspect we may acquire one or two more this year. We have our eyes set on a Rose de Rescht (Portland – Deep Pink) and a Y2K (Mini – Yellow) for acquisition. One dates from ~1880 and the other is a rarity and does not have much information behind it. We will work to learn more.