2023 Rose Toddlers We decided that to further eliminate our rose seedlings from this batch (generation 1), we would overwinter them in 1 gallon pots with only their own soil to insulate them from the elements. Only the fittest were meant to survive and we had many more (67) thanContinue Reading

A greenhouse with seed trays

In other words, it is time to sow some seed. We have brought our seeds out of the fridge and we are impressed with the amount we have gotten. After getting back from our lovely vacation, we spent some time expanding our operation by added shelves to our greenhouse. ItContinue Reading

We have finally exhausted our seed supply! In our last post, we had planted 1,770 rose seeds in our seed trays. Well, we had three bags of rose hips left in our fridge and we had to harvest them and sanitize them to begin the planting process. We are happy toContinue Reading

We are back out in the garden this week to harvest some rose seeds. This will likely be the last time that we harvest this year, but we will soon be shifting to planting our seeds and seeing what gift we get from them. Thus far, we think we haveContinue Reading

It’s that time of the year! Your rose blooms are spent and you are starting to see your rose hips begin to ripen the seeds within. This is our second year harvesting rose seeds and we are excited to see what new rose plants we get from this harvest. ManyContinue Reading