The reason I decided to write this up is that I accidentally added too much baking soda to my sprayer mix, thinking, ‘it’s only baking soda, what harm could it do?’ After I finished spraying, it suddenly occurred to me that neem oil is also natural, but a higher concentrationContinue Reading

We recently participated in our first ever rose show, hosted by the Fort Vancouver Rose Society (FVRS), and won second place in the novice category for traditional line design. We had intended to enter in several categories for the show. One week before the show we got heavy rains forContinue Reading

It has been a while since our last post. Wow, have we been busy!! My other company Catalonia Studio had some customers that needed work done and so I have had to stay on top of fulfilling their needs. Further, we had to prep our roses for the 2023, 70thContinue Reading

black spot on a roses

Have you ever walked out into your yard and saw something a little off with your roses? Maybe a little leaf curl here, a little black spot there? Black spot is one of the most common diseases of roses. It is caused by a fungus, Diplocarpon rosae, which infects theContinue Reading

powdery mildew

Have you ever walked out into your yard and saw something a little off with your roses? Maybe a little leaf curl here, a little powdery white substance there? Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that can impact all rose breeds. However, certain environmental factors can lead to powdery mildewContinue Reading

rust on roses

Have you ever walked out into your yard and saw something a little off with your roses? Maybe a little leaf curl here, a little rusty, powdery substance there? Rose rust is a fungal disease that can impact all rose breeds. However, certain environmental factors can lead to rose rustContinue Reading