It’s been almost two months since we began this planting journey, and we have seen some gains and losses. This cold/wet snap has caused some seedlings to grow mold and die. Fortunately, we have had more gains than losses. We are currently sitting on 243 seedlings and that is withContinue Reading

Plastic containers are the cheapest way to get your roses growing. They are cheap and provide a durable medium to last the elements. This last year (2021-2022) was the first full year in having plastic containers for our roses. Below is a list of what we learned about our firstContinue Reading

In our rose garden of >120 rose plants, we opted to try a variety of methods for growing roses. We tried planting them in soil covered with rock, we tried planting them in plastic containers, we tried planting them in large plastic containers, we tried planting them in soil coveredContinue Reading