In a previous post, I briefly touched on acquiring roses from a local grower. A man named Ron had to dispose of roses that his late mother had maintained on her property so that he could make room for his sister to move closer to him. He was saddened toContinue Reading

yellow, peach, orange rose arrangement that follow the American Rose Society guidelines for a straight-line design.

This week, our local Rose Society chapter held an arrangement workshop. The workshop focused on traditional line design in accordance with the American Rose Society guidelines. This was the first workshop that we were able to attend and boy, were we excited. Typically when we arrange roses we stuff asContinue Reading

This rose was one that was saved from a property that was to be razed to the ground (less the structure on premises). My aunt and uncle offered to allow us to dig up the roses so we could save as many as we could. We are unsure if thisContinue Reading

This blush peach rose is a climber and has blooms the size of your hand. It has little smell to it, but it attracts the honey bees like CRAZY!Continue Reading

A peach rose that grows slowly and has many blooms all at once. This small bushy rose has blooms that are show worthy and will remind you of the beauty of a woman’s ball gown.Continue Reading