We now have one hundred thirty four rose sprouts!!! That said, we have lost a number to mold. One of the biggest issues is that I have been overwatering these poor seedlings. Our greenhouse can get really hot when it is sunny and it dries up the soil quickly. Recently,Continue Reading

yellow, peach, orange rose arrangement that follow the American Rose Society guidelines for a straight-line design.

This week, our local Rose Society chapter held an arrangement workshop. The workshop focused on traditional line design in accordance with the American Rose Society guidelines. This was the first workshop that we were able to attend and boy, were we excited. Typically when we arrange roses we stuff asContinue Reading

Yellow Rose Centerpiece

We are little late to the game in discussing Covid because we had not gotten it yet (WE ALMOST MADE IT 3 YEARS!!!). That said I want to express what a benefit it can be to be affiliated with your local Rose Society. The day was December 20th, 2022, andContinue Reading