A crimson pink rose, Darcey Bussell.

We have started this year with a bang. We have surpassed our seed planting goals and have now acquired some new roses to take the place of those that have fallen. Yes, sadly, roses do die from time to time when you are working to transplant them. Last year weContinue Reading

In a previous post, I briefly touched on acquiring roses from a local grower. A man named Ron had to dispose of roses that his late mother had maintained on her property so that he could make room for his sister to move closer to him. He was saddened toContinue Reading

Our local Rose Society (Fort Vancouver Rose Society) held its annual auction to raise money for its rose show. We were very excited to be a part of this auction as the money goes to a great cause and we get to add roses to our garden that were grownContinue Reading

This hybrid tea rose, is a show stopper. My suspicion is that it is a Granada rose or a Double Delight. It fades to a darker red and the yellow fades to a soft white.Continue Reading

This yellow rose is astounding in both its bloom and its vigor. I have abused this plant and it just keeps coming back! The photo above is not choreographed. This is a natural bloom of my rose bush and you can see how it blooms through all its stages withContinue Reading