We recently participated in our first ever rose show, hosted by the Fort Vancouver Rose Society (FVRS), and won second place in the novice category for traditional line design. We had intended to enter in several categories for the show. One week before the show we got heavy rains forContinue Reading

Yellow Rose Centerpiece

We are little late to the game in discussing Covid because we had not gotten it yet (WE ALMOST MADE IT 3 YEARS!!!). That said I want to express what a benefit it can be to be affiliated with your local Rose Society. The day was December 20th, 2022, andContinue Reading

I made a visit to my local Rose Society back in June/July of 2022 and had a blast seeing all of the beautiful roses they had grown on display. I chose to become a member that day. Life happened and, well, a few months went by and I remembered thatContinue Reading